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Dirty humidifiers may spread germs

Mist rises from a humidifier.

Jan. 25, 2024—Humidifiers are popular appliances for a reason. These devices moisten the air in your home, which may offer relief from chapped lips, a scratchy throat, dry skin, nasal and chest congestion, and more. For some, a humidifier's white noise can promote a better night's sleep.

But, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, if they are not used and cleaned properly, humidifiers can lead to health hazards, such as:

  • Too much indoor moisture can promote mold and dust mites, which can trigger allergies in those who are sensitive.
  • Ultrasonic or impeller humidifiers, which produce a cool mist, may release microorganisms, like bacteria, into the air. Breathing some of these germs has the potential to make people sick, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Some humidifiers may release minerals from the water in their tanks as white dust. It's not clear if inhaling this dust is harmful.

Keep it clean

To avoid spreading mold or bacteria, it's crucial to clean your humidifier often. Check your manufacturer's instructions for details about your device. But in general, you'll want to stick to a regular routine.

Daily: Change the water. Wipe dry the tank before refilling it.

Every three days: Scrub the water tank with a brush. If the manufacturer doesn't recommend a solution to clean the tank, you can use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Make sure to rinse the tank well to avoid leaving any chemical residue that might become aerosolized when you use your humidifier.

To reduce possible health risks, it's a good idea to take a few added precautions. Experts offer these tips:

  • Use distilled or demineralized water in your humidifier. Tap water can cause scale buildup and promote bacteria.
  • If your humidifier has a filter, change it as recommended.
  • Don't let the humidity level in your home exceed 50%. Hardware stores sell a device called a hygrometer that you can use to measure your home's humidity.
  • Clean and thoroughly dry your humidifier before you store it away at the end of winter.
  • If you are allergic to dust or mold, check with your doctor before using a humidifier. Be sure it won't worsen your allergy symptoms.

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